Welcome to Megatech GNBD Dhaka

Megatech GNBD Dhaka is a leading engineering trading company in Bangladesh.


Software Development:

Megatech Provide Topology-based, engineering CAD software within the scope of Package software.
In this context, we offer service in many fields such as:

Map, Land Survey, Infrastructure (such as Highway, Channel, Dam, Pond)

Potable Water, Electric, Agriculture, (such as Consolidation, Irrigation).

Power Engineering Software:
The Software provides efficient functionality for device configuration and commissioning including device setup, configuration & setting, programmable logic development, test & commission, and fault analysis for software series devices. .

High reliable and extensive user interface and high system performance for substation of all voltage levels.

Web based Statistical Data Management System (SDMS) Software.

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Contact US

Megatech GNBD Dhaka
URL : www.megatechdhaka.com


Contact US

Tel : +8802-9858492-3,9899858
Fax : +8802-9860634
E-mail : info@megatechdhaka.com